Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Follow the Wind: Our Lord, the Holy Spirit by Steve Brown

5 out of 5 stars  *****

Pastor Steve Brown writes an honest account of his experience with the Holy Spirit, not just what he has learned about Him. He admits his own interpretations may be wrong or may be right; the important fact is that he believes in the Holy Spirit as part of the Triune God with the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. He also admits in this book that he is an effective sharer of God's word and he attributes that to his relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Wind. That relationship is not predicated on fear and submission but rather a friendship and love. This point Pastor Brown stresses for Christians to see how much the Holy Spirit is involved in their lives. To support this thought, Brown presents the fruits of the Holy Spirit in an in-depth look at its application in his life.

Without judging how anyone else interprets their faith, Brown realizes people perceive differently and worship differently. The difference does not make anyone wrong or right, just different. Once one drops their own perceptions and surrenders to the Holy Spirit; then he experiences God's will instead of trying to identify, categorize, dissect, and create it.

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