Monday, November 25, 2019

Explore the Bible: Ephesians (Fall 2019) by David O. Dykes (Editor)

5 out of 5 stars  *****

The study of Ephesians tells Christians to be the child in Christ, born again. More specifically, Paul writes the Ephesians in this letter explaining what "in Christ" means. Paul has plenty of time to think and inspire with his pen, approximately 2,000 years ago, because of his incarceration during its writing. The beauty of this circumstance is how the man is in prison but God's word is boundless influencing millions across time ringing as true today as it was then. Ephesians tells us about God's great love for fallen mankind and how Christ's teachings, death, and resurrection redeems those who have faith in Him. It comes at a time when keepers of the word use it to further their status and maintain their station in the world. Christ tells Jew and Gentile that through God's grace they can achieve eternal life but not by worshiping any man nor worldly object. Paul relates the teachings of Christ and its significance so people can use Jesus as an example to live their new life. This is what it means to be "in Christ." Paul also refers to this condition as being "alive in Christ." The challenge is to incorporate this worthiness in one's daily life. Paul points to prayer, to be in contact with God, for victory over the battles that wage in the world and in the flesh. It is in Ephesians that Paul teaches for people to don the armor of God daily: the belt of Truth; the chest plate of Righteousness; the footwear of the Gospel of Peace; the shield of Faith; the helmet of Salvation; the sword of the Spirit, the word of God. 

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