Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Last Founding Father: James Monroe and a Nation's Call to Greatness by Harlow Giles Unger

5 out of 5 stars  *****

I learn something immediately about James Monroe on the first few pages of this biography. I am a better student of history having read Unger's brilliant research and presentation. I have a deep respect for this last founding father of the greatest nation ever founded. James Monroe is so essential for America's success in his early years through his last. Men of outstanding character and integrity are true role models worthy of emulation. James is honored throughout the world as such a man. I am not surprised to learn what a devout man of God he is but one who did not use his Christianity as a political tool to lazily rationale his actions. Here is a man who has a tall stature, like George Washington, who commands a room full of dignitaries because of his intelligence, insight, courage, convictions, and behavior. Unger does not only focus on James but on his immediate family, relatives, and broad range of friends. Much of the American heritage I read attributes the men who came before Monroe for many of the accomplishments that James plays an integral part in either forming or finalizing. He helps usher in a time of burgeoning prosperity that strengthens the young United States of America but always with difficulty and hardship. He endures for duty's sake being his best for God, family, and country. He is truly an American hero deserving of the title, "Great." 

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