Saturday, February 2, 2019

First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong by James R. Hansen, Jeremy Bobb (Narrator)

5 out of 5 stars  *****

A thorough look at the first man to set foot on the moon; Neil A. Armstrong's ancestry provides insight into his character. Intelligence and bravery are important aspects of an astronaut's mettle and Neil demonstrates this throughout the story. He attributes his analytical way of thinking to a professor back in his college days.

The space program is not a perfect science. It requires discerning cause and devising practical solutions to any problem that comes up in life-and-death situations. The will to persevere and pursue mankind's urge to expand horizons becomes necessary after friends and peers lose their lives chasing incredible feats. Every failure is chance to learn more to avoid such disasters.

The author, James R. Hansen, covers Neil's youth, adulthood, and retirement right up until his last days on Earth. Hansen explains the significance of the space program's accomplishments, especially for the humble Armstrong, whose first landing, first steps, and first words are, now, a major milestone in the history of mankind. The First Man inspires those who endeavor to follow their dreams using Neil Armstrong as a successful template for the kind of person it takes to actualize them.

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