Monday, April 21, 2014

When God Winks: How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life by Squire Rushnell

5 of 5 stars  *****

What a pleasure When GOD Winks: How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life Squire Rushnell is to read. Celebrities are example references in many of the stories within this story. Real life events are the bulk of the book while personal tests and considerations comprise the rest. By taking the few, fun, self-exploring exercises, this author is fully aware how God's wink blesses his life. This profound anonymous quote is one of this book's wonderful life lessons, "We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give." - Unknown
A Divine sense of humor demonstrates some of the coincidences, God winks. Awareness on the Divine path that is one's destiny, is an undercurrent message throughout the book. 

I highly recommend When GOD Winks: How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life as a reminder that there is a Divine presence in all life Who hones and directs His creation. This realization brings about praise and gratitude to the Creator as this reader is grateful and praises Squire Rushnell for sharing his talent in writing this book.

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