5 out of 5 stars *****
Recent elections clearly show two parties having completely differing worldviews. Ben Shapiro writes and narrates an excellent historical account of the United States describing Leftist Progressives as Disintegrationists and those who want to uphold the US Constitution, Conservatives, as Unionists. His choice of labels is befitting because, like the US Civil War, one side wants to break the Union while the other fights to preserve it.
Understanding history is so important because it can reflect upon a nation's people as either good or bad. The truth is that history is full of people who are both good and bad vying for the same location, treasure, and power. The results are survivals of the fittest and the means are oftentimes cruel and alarming. Shapiro clarifies that despite mankind's atrocities, much good results from the outcomes of clashing cultures.
Shapiro astutely informs how this Disintegrationist movement exists stronger today than ever. Its chief proponents are many Liberal professors and teachers in college, middle-schools, and even in grade schools. Their agenda is to indoctrinate America's youth in an ongoing process to eliminate the Bill of Rights and rewrite the US Constitution. The mainstream media (MSM) is also in bed with the Left. The author aptly identifies Disintegrationists as un-American.
The alarm this book rings, backed by citations of evidence, is the destruction of these United States of America with a seductive, subversive view that America is an evil entrenched in a society that must be overthrown to deliver a fair and just government that is centralized to properly take care of its citizens. This viewpoint denies that unalienable rights exist and asserts that only government can provide solutions to America's problems.
The United States history begins in 1776 with the Revolutionary War. Disintegrationists say that 1619, the advent of the first black slave brought to this country, marks its inception, even though America did not exist, then. It is a colony of the British Empire at that time.
This book concludes with hope and thankfulness. Disintegrationists want to divide Americans to conquer America. Unionists want to unite Americans because that is what makes us great. Regardless of faults or differences, man can rise above these challenges with love in their hearts for their fellow man. This freedom is protected by the US Constitution which stands the test of time as the greatest document of its kind.