3 out of 5 stars ***
This is an account of people and documented dates who associate with foul play during the 2016 election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. Dan Bongino, author, narrates this record of events which includes text messages, phone calls, and orders by America's highest ranking officials to make sure Mr. Trump fails. Collusion with Russia is the scheme they plot and carry out after the results are known on November 8, 2016. In order to convince the American people of this narrative, the mainstream media agrees to present a series of events as Democrat Party leaders want.
Much of this book is not news to this reader but the compiling of dates and times with key players on both sides validates the veracity of what the author presents. The reading of the information is tedious at times because, as interesting as this is, it comes across dry. This book is not a fictional story told by a story-teller but a book of facts painstakingly garnered from those most reluctant to relinquish this information. The implications are that collusion did occur but it was between Democrats and the mainstream media and certain foreign officials. Cooperation from foreign agents representing themselves and governments also have a hand in this collusion since they supposedly do not trust Donald Trump to be who they really want him to be. This book is just the beginning of revealing the scandal of our lifetime. This reader is sure there is more to follow.
4 out of 5 stars ****
A wonderful cookbook full of dessert recipes for those who want to lose weight or need to avoid processed sugars and/or gluten. Elisa Silva wants people on ketogenic/low carb diets to stay on their diet by instructing them how to make delicious desserts they thought they would never be able to eat again.
5 out of 5 stars *****
Conservation applies to maintenance of a system by maintaining a well balanced existence of essential factors within the system. Identifying essential elements within an ecosystem, for example, is first and foremost to achieve a healthy environment. American Wolf: A True Story of Survival and Obsession in the West is an account of one such researcher who studies and collars wolves in Northwest America. The collars have GPS technology to track the range of certain wolves and the packs in which they travel.
It is apparent to those who follow the wolves that these hunting experts serve a great purpose in their territories by preventing overpopulation of elk which eat the bushes and trees necessary for other creatures in the food chain. The obvious decline in smaller animals, like beavers, occur when wolves are over-hunted to the brink of total absence in a particular region. Waterways change their patterns without the beaver dams to regulate and promote a barrage of life forms that enhance the environment.
The American wolf story is the hard work and hardship of capable, compassionate men and women who fight the politics from lobbyists and officials who want to remove wolf populations in their states regardless of scientific evidence that proves wolves contribute to the harmony in nature. Spotters, wolf researchers, start a campaign to educate people who visit Yellowstone National Park and that draws journalists from around the world to write the wolf's story. When one particular, loved wolf is shot and killed outside the borders of the park, the news reaches around the world and an outcry sways legislation to preserve the wolf packs rather than granting farmers, hunters and the Game and Wildlife lobby their way. The ecosystem returns to a natural balance of beauty teeming with beneficial creatures necessary for its maintenance.
American Wolf: A True Story of Survival and Obsession in the West is wonderfully expressed with the humanity that lifts their cause to the general public who, now, have opportunity to visit these regions and view, for themselves, how important their survival is in the vast Northwest territories of America.